Digital agencies: what positions are they looking for in 2019?

In 2019, Digital agencies will be hiring for a lot of positions. Firms advanced that they are focused on growing and retaining staff. Some have implemented specific strategies to employ the right people. This article explore this issue in more details.

Several companies revealed that they are looking for people with technical expertise and skills and that they expect their teams to considerably grow in 2019. 72% of those surveyed advanced that data science and analytics will be the most needed capabilities in the next two years. Conversion rate optimization (58. 3 percent) and technical SEO (51.6%) were in second and third position respectively.

Amanda Farley, accounts director and partner at SS Digital Media said they are looking for posts such as business development, PPC specialist, digital marketing coordinator, project manager, video producer, production manager, digital marketing manager and creative designer. She advanced, “we are planning on continuing to hire more creative and digital marketing support in 2019”.
Since digital agencies have always struggled with turnover, they are introducing deliberate strategies to hire employees that will work for them for quite a long time. According to Farley, this industry requires fast thinkers who are self-motivated, accountable, and flexible to acquire new skills.

Digital agencies are hiring for long-term employees
