Online shopping: offer a warm and personalised welcome

As mentioned in a previous article, more women than men are using online shopping services to buy products and most consumers choose to browse and complete purchases from their smartphone. Another important factor that should be considered by merchants is that customers expect a personalised experience.
Online shoppers anticipate retailers to offer them a frictionless shopping experience, to know their purchase history, preferences and to implement services that meet their expectations. Statistics reveal that businesses lose $756 billion per year by not introducing onsite customisation.  41% of women believe that personalised product recommendations will be the norm in the future. This shopping experience can have a powerful impact. It can lead to customers spending twice as long on a website. Moreover, merchants might enjoy 18% higher order value and 133% higher conversion rate.
Creating customised platforms can be quite challenging. However, retailers can use artificial intelligence to create behavioural profiles from big data sets. For instance, they can learn about shoppers’ location, their individual tastes and preferences, price sensitivity, brand history and purchase history. These details can be used to display product recommendations that customers will feel attracted to and to automatically update content that reflects their preferences. Thus, clients will feel understood and appreciated and this drives loyalty.

Customers seek personalised recommendations
