Voice payments: why is Amazon focusing on this technology?

Processing transactions online has become increasingly easier because of the development on new technologies. For instance, digital wallets allow customers to purchase products with one click. It is expected that voice payments will further change the industry and Amazon plans to take advantage of this.
The retail giant has launched its own settlement infrastructure in 2017 and its system has been utilised by other brands such as All Saints, Papa John’s and Dyson. Voice authentication is considered to be the next step in the financial and retail sectors. It is simple and convenient and offers a frictionless user experience via multiple devices. Smart assistants, that functions through artificial intelligence and are able to respond to voice commands, are already quite popular across the world and Amazon’s Alexa is leading the field in this market.
Data advances that 5% of all monthly internet searches are now conducted by a voice prompt. This is a significant progress since five years ago there weren’t any. The way people interact with technology is easier and more intuitive. A conversation is more spontaneous and natural. That is why it is simpler to process transactions with voice payments. Since Amazon is removing any barrier that is related to this technology, it can be expected that that it will generate more sales in the future.

Voice payments are easy to process
