Digital birthday cards added by Facebook to enhance stories

For a very long time, we have been keeping track of friends and relatives’ birthday via Facebook. The company has designed yet another feature, digital birthday cards, that will motivate people to post these wishes.

This set of templates allow users to upload birthday wishes as stories. Facebook announced that this month, 500 million people are using its version of the stories product. It is one among its fastest-growing features. The digital birthday card system will operate in the following way. When one of your close friends has a birthday, you will notice a tile in the stories inviting you to post a wish. Tapping on that will give you the opportunity to take a picture or a short video. This can be customised with your own notes. You can also utilise the music sticker to add a soundtrack. Alternatively, you can choose from one of the birthday cards created by Facebook. However, not every friend having a birthday will appear on your feed. The firm is working on a system that will attempt to identify your close friends and show their birthday stories. While Facebook stories are quite popular in some parts of the world, it has not caught on in others. This innovation might be a good reason to try it.

Facebook adds a birthday stories feature 
