Smart speaker shopping is becoming more popular

Have you heard of smart speaker shopping? This can be defined as browsing, researching products and adding things to a cart using a smart speaker. It is expected that this year, 31 million people in the US will process transactions via this technology. This is an increase of 31.6 percent from 2018. Statistics advance that this figure will reach 38 million by 2021. This is because more than four in ten US smart speaker users will turn to these devices to buy items on the Web.

This year, the majority of purchases via smart speakers will comprise of electronic media such as movies and music. A senior forecasting analyst at eMarketer said, “The smart speaker market is showing no signs of stopping, and with increased adoption comes increased use, including shopping”. He further advanced that new users are testing out shopping-related features of their devices and early adopters keep utilising voice assistants to search for products and ask for prices.

In June 2019, a survey from Bizarre Insights revealed that 21% of US smart speaker owners ordered entertainment via their devices. In October 2018, only 11% was recorded. However, consumers still have some reservations about this innovation. Despite the fact that smart display speakers like the Google Home Hub and Amazon Echo Show are becoming more popular, they make up a small share of the market.

More people are using smart speakers to buy products
