E-commerce: how to improve customer retention?

While attracting new customers and getting them to make a purchase is very important for e-commerce businesses, it is also essential to retain existing ones. A lot of companies wish to expand and multiply the number of their consumers. However, forgetting about those who have already bought from you once implies leaving behind ROI, conversions and revenue.

Consumers are the most important part of your online business. Without them, you would have no one to sell your products to. To retain them, you must focus on improving customer support. You should show e-shoppers that you care about their concerns and you are available to devise solutions to their issues. This humanises your brand and creates a deeper form of engagement with clients who feel like they are an important part of your business.

An innovative strategy would be to utilise live chat functionalities to talk to website visitors. This would give you the opportunity to provide instant support. These tools have a 73 percent satisfaction rate among client service channels. As they, they are effective means to offer customer support. If you implement live chat within your online shopping platform, you can set limited daytime hours or provide a 24/7 support according to your budget.

Customer retention is important for your business
