E-commerce: advantages of implementing SEO

As advanced in a previous article, implementing SEO in your e-commerce business is very important to attract new viewers. Have a look at some advantages of this tool below.

The marketing funnel
The traditional marketing funnel involves awareness, interest, desire and action. However, this requires a continuous stream of new shoppers. As they move from interest (research) to action (purchase), you will be able to find out about their intent from their use of keywords. Targeting the correct intent is primordial for retailers and if they can work with this to develop strategies, this might lead to an increase in conversion rate.

Remarketing audiences
Once a customer visits your online shopping site, your paid search team will be able to make use of cookies to introduce remarketing campaigns. These will help you to showcase display ads to them even after they have left your website. Thus, when shoppers will browse the internet, they will be reminded of the pleasant journey they have had when buying from you.

Lowering paid search costs
When you optimise a content via SEO strategies, this should also benefit Google Ads campaign on the condition that you work on the phrases that drive value for organic and paid search. If you have an optimised landing page, this will improve your Quality score which means lower click costs and higher performance in organic search.

Use cookies to introduce remarketing campaigns
