Holiday shopping: shoppers are becoming more flexible

The holiday shopping season is a huge opportunity for retailers to maximise sales. In 2018, during this period, shoppers spent $125.9 billion. This number is expected to experience an increase of 13.2% to reach $135.35 billion.

However, things are now changing and shoppers are becoming more flexible. During the past years, the holiday shopping period was pretty fixed. It started with Black Friday and lasted till Christmas. According to studies, this is no longer the case. Currently, peak research time to look for gifts for the holidays is during October. RetailMeNot has conducted a study which showed that 54% of consumes intend to shop before Black Friday and some have already started doing so since the 1st of November.

To cope with this shift in the traditional timeline, merchants have to start offering their deals as early as possible. The giant Walmart begun in late October. To make sure that customers do not leave your site unsatisfied, online retailers should be prepared for a surge in traffic at any time throughout the extended holiday shopping period, that is, as from October to December. An exact date for the boost in online sales cannot be predicted. As such, they should be ready to cope with clients’ demands.

The holiday shopping season is now longer
