Subscription payments accepted by WordPress

A lot of businesses are dependent on subscription payments. For instance, artists, creators, news publishers, game developers or writers sustain via this model. As such, the publishing platform WordPress is making it easier for a creator or a web publisher to generate repeat contributions from their supporters by adding a subscription feature to their own website.

Any one of the millions of users having a WordPress paid plan will be able to benefit from the Recurring Payments feature. According to officials, this system is very flexible in nature. It can be accessed even by self-hosted WordPress sites using Jetpack. Once it is enabled, owners are able to charge users weekly for newsletters, accept monthly donations, sell yearly access to exclusive contents or process any other billings.

The firm has collaborated with a payment service provider to implement this new feature and to create an account before using Recurring Payments. Then, they have to head to the ‘Earn’ page on WordPress and to complete the setup process.

Users will have the opportunity create different payment plans. It supports varying currencies, frequencies and names. Thus, website owners will be able to offer several tiers or types of subscriptions to their customers, readers or fans. They can also integrate a Recurring Payments button on their website.

WordPress has a Recurring Payments option
