E-commerce: SEO mistakes to avoid!

If you own an e-commerce website, it is essential that you optimise it so that it appears on the first page of search results. While SEO is helpful, things will be worst if you do not master some of the techniques. A series of blog posts will inform you on mistakes to avoid.

Too much content on the category pages
A lot of people believe that Google will favour long-form content, which is normally the case. However, optimising an online shopping site is different. That is why you must limit what is on your category pages to 300 words or less. Otherwise, the content will be seen as an article by Google instead of a category page. You must have a minimum of 30 items posted on these pages and avoid any confusion to have great ranking.

Avoid duplicate content
Many SEO problems are related to duplication when it comes to e-commerce. This is because digital marketers often copy and paste content from one location to another. While this might simplify things, it might affect your ranking on Google search results pages. Thus, you must avoid duplicating content at all cost. Instead paraphrase! Reword and rewrite product descriptions that appear on different pages.

Do not overload your product pages with too much content
