Augmented reality will be used by Starbucks to make beverages!

Last year, Starbucks rolled out the Mastrena II coffee makers to several of its outlets. This is an augmented reality-enabled machine that prepares beverages, thus eliminating the need for a barista. Indeed, it seems that these devices are faster and more efficient than a worker which reduces the waiting time in lines.

According to the latest announcement, the machines have been a success since Starbucks is planning to roll out 4000 more of these this year. By 2020, each one of its locations will be equipped with this new tech.  The Mastrena II has been designed with Starbucks’s Deep Brew AI. Thanks to this, it can brew and prepare customised drinks and perform additional tasks such as serving a triple shot of Espresso within seconds. Its ability to mix and blend coffee is quicker than that of an employee. Moreover, it is equipped with several other features. For instance, it automatically rinses itself, runs adjustments and tracks various analytics.

It is very probable that you might see this machine at your local coffee shop soon. However, the question that comes to mind is: will Starbucks cut back on the number of its employees? This has not been confirmed by the firm yet but it is likely to happen.

Your coffee fix will be prepared by a machine
