RoboTire will change your tires in a jiffy

Developments in technology have brought about several advancements in the automobile industry. The most popular of these is self-driving cars. However, robots have more uses than that. Thanks to RoboTire, they can now be utilised to change your tires.

According to reports, the new Y Combinator startup is building machines that can change car tires in a fraction of the amount of time it currently takes human mechanics to do so. The firm’s CEO Victor Darolfi said, “We can do a set of four tires, put in to pull out, in 10 minutes. It normally takes about 60 minutes for a human operator to do a set of four”. While this firm is relatively new, a description on LinkedIn provides more details about it. Its mission is described as “automating vehicle maintenance for today and future autonomous vehicles with robot and software, starting with tire changing”. As such, this service may be seen as only the beginning of several solutions.

It is reported that the startup has collaborated with the robotics division of Mitsubishi. Both firms have designed a robot arm system that could be installed by service centres, dealers and other automotive outlets. Moreover, when testing of this solution begins, the price of changed tire is expected to be $5 to $7. This might increase when RoboTire becomes completely ready.

RoboTire automates vehicle maintenance
