Free shipping is key for 57% of British shoppers


The e-commerce delivery specialist ParcelHero has conducted a study which revealed that free shipping is the number one incentive pushing nine out of ten shoppers to spend more money. Orders with the normal costs are 30% lower on average. 57% of British customers say this feature is key to their choice of retailer.

David Jinks MILT, Head of Consumer Services at ParcelHero advanced that a compulsory               plastic bag-style charge will significantly discourage customers to spend online. He argues that while the UK economy needs more an increase in consumer spending, people are trying to hold to their savings because they are concerned about job security. Moreover, the anxiety related to visiting crowded stores is still prevailing.

Amidst of all this, the government has announced that it is planning to introduce another tax on online deliveries. According to analysts, this charge will be a minimum of £2 per order or an additional 2% on the overall spend. This decision will definitely have a psychological impact on customers and will affect their purchasing habits.

Considering that free shipping is such a huge incentive and with consumer confidence being exceptionally fragile at the moment, experts are advancing that this move could be disastrous. Not having to pay delivery costs is driving customer to spend money and this might stop.

Free shipping is key for shoppers
