If you are an e-commerce
merchant trying to expand your business and you have been researching into ways
that will help you do so, you must know about the significance of customer
data. Retailers have been using this for a long time already to attract more
consumers. However, in these changing times, it is important to innovate and
use the right strategy. There is no need to worry though! There are two main
steps that you have to follow.
Use existing assets
The implementation of e-shopping already allows businesses to access and amass
a huge amount of data. For each online transaction processed, you are able to
gain information on what your clients are buying, how frequently they shop on
the Web, their preferred payment method
and their location. These details will act as a base to build new and repeat
customer profiles.
Maintain consistent tailoring
Once you have leveraged customer data to deliver messages via the
appropriate channels and you have attracted them to your online shopping
website, you should ensure that their experience there is smooth and
worthwhile. For instance, returning clients can be welcomed with curated
product suggestions based on their past activity. This will make them feel
valued. Additionally, you can also track which items are added to shopping
carts, but not bought, and send out tailored offers. This will show
to your customers that you understand them and you are committed to helping
them out.
Send customised offers based on customers’ past activities
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