E-commerce: the impact of Brexit on trade


While the UK and the European Union are already on their separate ways, the full impact of Brexit is yet to be felt. One of the major sectors which this will affect is trade, especially e-commerce. Hence, merchants should be ready for it.

Currently, the United Kingdom is still in the middle of negotiations with other countries to try and establish its own trade agreements. Moreover, there is a limited time frame during which the UK and the EU are able to operate under the existing laws. Nonetheless, this is only a transition period and when it will end, things are going to change. That is why it is important that online merchants connected to the UK market understand the developments that will take place so that they can better prepare for themselves. For instance, they must consult with their web designer/ builder to make adjustments to their e-shopping websites. The amendments must reflect the new era that we will live in.

There is not much time left for them to implement the changes. Indeed the transition period will soon be over and as from the 1st of January 2021, e-commerce merchants will need to adapt to a new reality. Keep following this blog to find out more about this.

The UK is currently in transition period © Royalty-free image
