Online shop for testing materials launched by James Heal


James Heal is the manufacturer and designer of textile testing instruments/materials for quality control. He has recently announced that an online shop will soon be launched.

Now, customers in the UK can easily and quickly purchase products for reliable and repeatable testing from the convenience of their home. A selection of James Heal’s most popular materials is available in many formats, pre-cut, on the roll or in different pack sizes. Additionally, it is said that the prices will be very competitive.

The designer is on a mission to improve efficiency while maintaining the high quality level that his brand is known for. The e-commerce website is part of this project and it gives laboratory, quality control and production personnel the ability to enjoy several benefits. Some of them are fast delivery, competitive prices, promotional deals, secure online payment facilities and different pack sizes. Additionally, they can also leverage the expert’s 40+ years’ experience in the supply of test materials.

Speaking about this, James Heal’s Managing Director, John Page, advanced, “We are proud to announce the launch of our online shop.  It is a testament of the commitment [that] we have made to listening to our customers and continually improving the experience of partnering with James Heal”.

James Heal has an online shop © Royalty-free image
