Online shopping: the growth of B2B commerce


While online shopping has been playing a huge part in our lives for a while now, it was nominated by B2C operations. However, it seems as if that things are going to change. Indeed, experts predict that B2B transactions will rise in the next few years. This will involve not just wholesalers providing products to retailers, but also SaaS and technology companies.

The above mentioned development is going to be a result of fierce competition in the e-commerce sector. Consumers now have higher expectations. Thus, retailers are compelled to invest more in automation to introduce new services to meet their demands. It can already be seen that more and more businesses are turning their attention towards purchasing software, products and services to improve operations and enhance staff performance. As such, there is a visible shift to embracing tech and leaving manual tasks behind, which is leading the unprecedented rise in B2B purchases.

Besides the growth of B2B commerce, this industry will also see the emergence of new markets. Some examples are India, Brazil, Russia and South Africa. It is expected that by 2022 almost 3 billion of people living outside the US will gain access to the internet and will leverage online shopping facilities, which will open a whole new world of opportunities.

B2B commerce will become more prominent © Royalty-free image
