Aldi tests eco-friendly options at its UK supermarkets


According to reports, Aldi is going to test an environmental-friendly feature at its UK supermarkets. This follows the growing number of firms adopting greener approaches to reduce their carbon footprint and promote a healthier environment.

The company has planned to roll out ‘eco’ freezer bag in its stores. These are made of a fully recyclable polyethylene (95 per cent) and seafood waste (5 per cent) – known as shell waste. These will be available at 230 of its outlets across England in the coming days. The retailer has advanced that they will be rolled out at the following regions: East Midlands, Yorkshire, North East, North West and South East.

The bags can be bought for 99p. They are treated with an antimicrobial agent that is proven to inhibit the growth of common types of bacteria and mould. Aldi claims that these are the only own-brand 100 per cent recyclable freezer bags offered by a supermarket in the UK. If this trial is successful, the firm plans to roll them out to all its outlets.

Chris McKenry, Plastics and Packaging Director at Aldi UK, spoke about this new project and said, “It’s more important than ever to strike a balance between reducing single-use plastic and maintaining food hygiene”.

Aldi is selling an ‘eco’ freezer bag © Royalty-free image
