Amazon: more about its eco-friendly shopping platform


As advanced in a previous article, Amazon has introduced a shopping platform that is dedicated to eco-friendly products. This will allow you to find details about the sustainable merits of an item before making a purchase. Learn more on the firm’s project to be environmentally friendly below.

The site has already been rolled out in the US and it will soon be introduced in UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. Moreover, it is a move forward in the e-commerce giant’s wider commitment to reach the Paris Agreement 10 years earlier and to attain zero carbon by 2040.

The company has created its own externally validated certification. Called Compact by Design, this motivates brands to design products and services that are able to reduce carbon emission via enhanced efficiency and packaging. One example of this is the Cif ecorefill. This is a concentrated cleaning spray refill that helps people reuse their spray bottles.

Nonetheless, some individuals are not really satisfied with this initiative. They advance that having badged products was just “a tip of the iceberg” since the e-commerce company ships millions of items within Europe every year. Will McCallum, senior campaigner at Greenpeace UK, said, “By certifying only a limited range of goods, Amazon is implicitly admitting that the rest of its business model isn’t up to scratch. The environmental and climate crises we are facing demand more than token gestures and piecemeal action”.

Some environmentalists advance that this is not enough © Royalty-free image
