Next Stage Digital Economy Centres: more on these

A previous article introduced the two Next Stage Digital Economy Centres that UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is investing £22 million in. These posts will look at more of them.

The Centre for the Decentralised Digital Economy (DECaDE)
This will be led by the University of Surrey and its aim is to explore how the platforms underpinning our peer-to-peer digital economy could be transformed by emerging data-centric technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and Blockchain. As such, innovative tech will be accessible to more customers because of alternative governance models.

The Horizon Institute
This project will see the University of Nottingham explore how consumer trust around the use of personal data in new technologies and products that blend physical and digital elements can be built. For instance, information about mental health can be collected to improve treatment thanks to community participation in virtual music festivals and personalised digital health plans.

The Future Places Centre
Lancaster University will be responsible for this project. It will look at how technologies such as the Internet of Things can help individuals design and adapt the places they live, work and spend time in for a more sustainable lifestyle. For instance, IoT sensors can be used to monitor pollutants such as tumble-dryer generated microplastics.

Internet of Things can promote sustainable living © Royalty-free image
