Telegram is the most downloaded app in January 2021


In December 2020, Telegram was at the 9th position on Sensor Tower's list of most downloaded (non-game) mobile app. Just one month later, it has jumped to number one to the detriment of WhatsApp and Instagram.

This information was revealed by Sensor Tower. This firm is a research group that that compiles a list of iOS and Android apps by downloads on a monthly basis. The latest report analysed data as from the 1st of January to the 31st of the same month. It is during this period itself that there were some issues related to WhatsApp’s privacy regulations and hundreds of users decided to stop using the application. This factor may have contributed to the exponential growth in new Telegram downloads. The estimated number is 63 million on a global scale. 24% of these were completed in India and 10% in Indonesia.

In contrast to Telegram’s growth, WhatsApp, which was the third-most installed app on both Apple's App Store and the Google Play Store in December 2020, fell to seventh and sixth position respectively in January 2021. Of course, the downfall of one leads to the happiness of others. Signal, which did not even appear in last year’s top 10 list made it to number two when it comes to Android devices.

WhatsApp’s ranking fell © Royalty-free image
