Asda Supercentres named as UK best store in lockdown


A new research has shown that Asda Supercentres are considered to be the best supermarkets in the UK during the lockdown. However, the reason behind this title might surprise you!

According to the study, consumers love going to these stores to obtain their daily dose of exercise during the containment. It found out that shoppers could expect to walk up to 506 steps in an average Supercentre visit. This is because of their huge size! At the second position is Tesco Extra which requires you to walk 392 steps on average. It is followed by Waitrose Food and Home which involves just 20 steps less. This research was conducted by fitness equipment specialists Sweatband who analysed six factors. They are size of the store, product range, queuing time, trolley fill, store layout and staff availability.

Just recently, another survey showed that one in three people’s only form of exercise during the lockdown is going to the supermarket. Moreover, 48% of respondents advanced that this activity is their only form of human interaction and 21% go to the grocery store only to have something to do.

Speaking about the study, Ruth Stone, ambassador for Sweatband, said: “While this study is a little bit tongue-in-cheek, it was alarming to find that going to the supermarket is many people’s only form of daily exercise. It’s so important to keep active, particularly in lockdown, even if that only means taking 10 minutes out of your day to walk around the park.”

People love going to stores to interact with others © Royalty-free image
