Self-isolation payment: who received the settlement?


As advanced in a previous article, the government introduced a self-isolation payment scheme to ensure that customers are able to self-isolate without having to worry about money. Nonetheless, two-thirds of those living in England and Wales did not receive this.

According to figures provided by local councils, which administered the settlements, between the 28th of September 2020 and the 15th of January, there were 212,000 applications for the payment in England. 74,400 of these were successful. In Wales, 15,000 people applied between the 12th of November and the 15th of January. There, 5400 applicants received the money. Between the 1st of October and 15th of January, approximately 6.4 million of those residing in England were asked to self-isolate by contact tracers. This means that only 1.5% of them receive the settlement.

How come so many people did not benefit from this facility? When councils were asked for a reason, they advanced that roughly a third of the applicants were rejected because of problems with their applications. For instance, they did not provide enough evidence, they applied too late or they did not engage with the test-and-trace scheme. Others were not eligible for the payment altogether. Moreover, Alex Collinson, a research officer at the Trade Union Congress, advanced that the scheme was underfunded in the first place.

The self-isolated payment scheme is underfunded © Royalty-free image
