Cryptocurrencies: more reasons why they are not apt for e-commerce


This article will explore more reasons why cryptocurrencies are not suitable for e-commerce businesses.

The world of virtual money has evolved to now include 5000 cryptocurrencies. Considering the thousands of these available, financial companies are unsure on how to process the thousands of existing options. Moreover, new ‘coins’ seem to pop up every day which is a problem because what if a consumer wants to pay with the latest digital money and the payment gateway cannot complete the process?

There are several costs related to accepting cryptocurrencies because you will have to integrate and maintain a separate payment gateway. Let’s not forget adding currency conversion fees. However, things do not end here since you are going to have to convert the digital currency into fiat money. These rates are generally high.

There is no denying that there are risks involved when processing credit card and bank payments. Nonetheless, unless the account holder was negligent and at fault, the financial firm has to find a solution. However, with cryptocurrencies that is not the case. If somebody steals your digital money, it is gone forever. You have no one to turn to. Moreover, holders of virtual currencies have to add their own security measures to protect their accounts.

There are several types of cryptocurrencies © Royalty-free image
