E-commerce: towards reusable packaging


With e-commerce growing at a rapid rate, waste generation is on the rise as well. Indeed, sending out orders involves using packaging, which is most of the time single-use. The negative impact that this has on the environment does not need to be described. Firms are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of introducing a sustainable approach. Hence, the fashion industry is looking into re-usable packaging.

To analyse the positive effect of this new system, Fashion for Good collaborated with Utrecht University and the Sustainable Packaging Coalition to conduct a study. It showed that in contrast to single-use packaging, using reusable packaging can lead to a decrease of more than 80% in CO2 emission and 87% less plastic, by weight. How can this be achieved? After being used to pack an order and reaching a customer, this more sustainable option is returned and put into circulation again for a lot more trips. It will not be discarded after being utilised one time only.

For huge impact, wide adoption of reusable packaging is required. Fashion for Good hopes that the findings in this study will motivate brands, retailers, innovators and other stakeholders in the e-commerce value chain to make more informed and environmentally-responsible decisions that will help reduce the impact of pollution.

Avoid single-use packaging for the environment © Royalty-free image
