One of the winners of the pandemic is supermarkets. Indeed,
with the growth of online grocery shopping,
these firms have been able to considerably increase their profits.
According to a report from Waitrose, 77% of consumers are
purchasing essential goods and produce on the Internet. More clients are opting
to go the digital way because this involves fewer risks than visiting stores.
As such, companies are under considerable pressure to meet demands. To be able
to serve customers in an efficient way, businesses can take advantage of artificial intelligence to optimise
their digital channels and supply options. Thanks to its data collection capabilities,
they are able to make predictions and keep producing results even during such
an uncertain climate.
The same cannot be said for stores on the high street.
With the decrease in sales, they have had to adapt in a different way. In many
cases, physical outlets are being transformed into a hub to cater to online
shopping demands. For instance, in its annual reports, Next advanced
that it will keep stores that are making losses open. These shops will be used
to help support delivery-to-store and ship-from-store processes. As such, they
will become an essential of part of the business’s e-commerce journey.
People are purchasing online more © Royalty-free image
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