Online grocery shopping is here to stay


Supermarkets are one of the winners of the coronavirus lockdowns. Indeed, a lot of firms were very quick to scale up and offer online grocery shopping services to meet an increase in consumers’ demands and this has been a rewarding move. It is expected that people will keep buying their essential products on the Web.

Currently, groceries make up 12% of all e-commerce transactions. Among baby boomers, 44% say they are fine with buying from a supermarket’s website. This number increases to 77% among the younger generations. Moreover, if we consider all consumers as a whole, nearly 60% of them are going to use digital facilities to get their produce and other essential items. It is expected that by the end of 2021, this sector will witness a growth and 17.8% and 73% of shoppers advance that they will continue to use direct-to-consumer methods to purchase their groceries even after the pandemic is over.

The idea that online grocery shopping is here to stay is reasserted by a look at the trending e-commerce categories. Six of the items that consumers are increasingly purchasing on the Web can be found in a local supermarket. These are soup, grains and rice, packaged foods, fruit cups, milk and cream and dishwashing supplies.

People will keep purchasing groceries online  © Royalty-free image
