Reusable packaging: how to enforce adoption?


As advanced in a previous article, using reusable packaging for e-commerce orders is better for the environment since it will reduce waste generation and the emission of CO2. Nonetheless, there are some actions that must be taken to ensure the adoption and success of this new type of packaging.

Educate and sensitise others on this issue. For this project to function, customers are going to have to send back the packaging and this requires a change in consumer behaviour. To maximise on return rates, clear guidance must be offered. Brands and retailers should provide their clients with clear and simple instructions on how to proceed with the returns process along with educating them on the importance of this activity.

A transition from single-use to reusable packaging is not something that can be done all alone. It requires the collaboration of all stakeholders across the value chain. To test which processes suit their supply chain needs, e-commerce firms must work with packaging innovators and third-party logistics companies for a pilot.

Optimise product and reuse process
Since reusable packaging is still new in the industry, companies should introduce innovative strategies to optimise the product and reuse process offered. This includes increasing the number and types of drop-off points and bringing up the recycled content to 100%.

Educate others on the importance of re-usable packaging © Royalty-free image
