E-commerce: the importance of social proof


Social proof is a very powerful tool for e-commerce merchants. It helps build reliability and trust in your brand. Basically, it plays with consumers’ minds, since they believe that if a product or service worked for others, it is going to benefit them as well.

Thus, if you are on the digital marketing bandwagon, social proof is essential for you. Some examples are reviews, customer testimonials, user-generated content, case studies, certifications or awards. A research conducted by Spiegel revealed that 95% of clients check for reviews before making a purchase. However, you must make sure not to appear as if you are showing off. Instead, integrate them naturally on your site and social media accounts. These stories will allow audience to know more about your firm and help them make a decision when debating about making a purchase. Moreover, besides building brand awareness and trust, social proof helps you rank higher on Google.

Another feature that would help you attract clients on social media is appealing content. This will help you engage with users and attract them. As such, use images, videos, infographics, gifs and interactive content into your posts to grab attention. It should be noted that your pictures must be of high-quality and you must select the appropriate font so that users are not distracted.

Social proof helps generate trust © Royalty-free image
