E-commerce: detail your products well on marketplaces


To increase the chances of your items and e-commerce brand being discovered by more consumers, it is important to add as many details as possible to your product listing. This involves several advantages.

First of all, the more information you list, the more likely it is that clients will find and trust your product. For instance, if you are selling clothes online, you must include details such as the type of fabric used and the different specificities such as whether it has pockets etc. Moreover, you must post images of the good from multiple angles. As advanced by Sezzle, nearly 80% of shoppers have been purchasing products from their smartphone since the outbreak of the pandemic. With fewer consumers visiting stores, you must increase the chances of clients coming across your offerings as they scroll through product listings on the Web.

Moreover, according to a survey from Periscope by McKinsey, online shoppers during this pandemic place a lot of importance on complete product information and clear images. Thus, when creating listings, anticipate the reviews and questions that you might receive and make sure you are as precise as possible, especially when typing out information such as product sizes, measurements and dimensions. Fill out all the fields on Amazon when posting your items online.

Be precise when listing products online © Royalty-free image
