One of the reasons why consumers keep buying counterfeit
products when online shopping is
because the fake products have met their expectations when it comes to quality.
This means that counterfeiters are getting good at mimicking real items. How to
tackle this?
Since illegitimate sellers are marketing their items on
several channels, merchants must keep an eye on these and they have to take
steps so that their products appear on the first pages of search engine results. This can be done with the help of online
tools, which are a much better option since it is nearly impossible to scan all
pages one by one to locate fake products.
Another issue with counterfeiting is that it damages
a brand’s image. The research has shown that 58% of consumers believe that it
is the firm’s responsibility to handle fake listings and 39% of users will not
trust a brand if they buy a counterfeit version and the same percentage said
that they will not purchase from the firm again. The only way to deal with this
situation would be to stop counterfeit goods from being sold and the right method
to do this would be to find the online
platforms where the items are being advertised.
Photo Credit: geralt form Instagram
Use SEO tools so that your products appear first
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