The company Smurfit
Kappa has recently announced the opening of an e-commerce packaging lab.
Located in Northampton UK, it is going to be an International Safe Transfer
Association (ISTA)-certified laboratory.
The firm already has a network of centres that test packaging
and support retailers and producers in the development, testing and launching
of packaging solutions for e-commerce. This ISTA certification is often
required by online selling platforms like Amazon,
Alibaba or eBay. Recently, it became the first one to secure Amazon’s ‘Frustration-Free
Packaging’ pre-certification for a three-litre Bag-in-Box solution.
It already has one
such laboratory in Netherlands and from it, Smurfit Kappa has gained more than
14 years of experience and data. There, they have been testing new solutions to
ensure that they are fit for purpose and they meet the challenges of the e-commerce
supply chain.
At the new unit, the firm has a team that will work with
customers to develop new packaging solutions to minimise and prevent product
damage from occurring during distribution. They work on prototype designs that
are then tested to make sure that the required performance standards concerning
compression, drop and vibration are met to secure certification. It is only
after certification that the packaging
is produced for customers.
Smurfit Kappa has a new lab
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