Social commerce: the use of micro-influencers


For the past few years, social commerce has been taking over the industry. This is due to a more sophisticated landscape and an increase in demand for direct-to-consumer (D-to-C) products.

Now, social media accounts for over 80 percent of users' purchasing decisions and firms have been deploying a lot of effort to integrate e-commerce tools into social apps. Despite that, there are some brands that do not know how to make the most of these platforms. They are still struggling to attract and engage social media users. One way to do so is via micro-influencers.

What is it? These are individuals having between 1,000 and 100,000 followers on social media. The number varies according to different platforms. Usually, micro-influencers are focussed on a niche area and they have a stronger relationship with their followers than bigger influencers who cover several subjects and products.

Moreover, running campaigns with micro-influencers is more cost-efficient and they can generate a higher engagement rate due to the loyal followers that they have. This is because popular ones request higher fees, so you are risking more money. As such, having the right campaign with a well-targeted group of micro-influencers can be the best strategy for your brand.

Phot credit: geralt from Pixabay

Micro-influencers can help brands on social media
