The growth of social
commerce is a worldwide phenomenon that is taking over the industry. A
recent study by eMarketer shows that sales from these platforms in the US are
picking up.
The firm has put out a press release which advanced that
these transactions will increase by 35.8% to reach USD 36.62 billion in the
country. While this is a slight decrease from the 38.9% recorded in 2020, we
should remember that at the time, we were in the middle of the pandemic and
there was a huge surge in e-commerce
and social media consumption.
The study also shows that Facebook is the most
popular platform on which sales are conducted in the US. 22.3% of internet
users in the US, aged 14 or older, are expected to make at least one purchase
on the site this year. In comparison, 12.9% will process a sale on Instagram
and 5.6% on Pinterest.
Nonetheless, despite this growth, the social commerce market
in the US is just one-tenth the size of China’s. One of the reasons behind this
is the huge number of social buyers in the country. It is expected that 424.4
million people aged 14 and beyond will make a purchase on platforms such as
Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok,
WeChat, Line, VK, and others.
Photo credit: LoboStudioHamburg from Pixabay
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