UK high street: more on the ‘Shop Out to Help Out’ scheme


As a previous article advanced, there is a petition for a ‘Shop Out to Help Out’ scheme to support UK high street retailers. However, there are diverging opinions on the matter.

Some argue that at the moment, all forms of assistance and support should be welcomed and embraced. Nonetheless, this scheme will only offer a short-term financial boost and there is much more than that to be done. According to an expert from the government’s High Street Taskforce, to sustain longer term recovery and growth, it is essential to turn “high streets into destinations with a mix of retail and hospitality [to ensure that] shoppers want to go to for the mix”. The aim is to attract and engage customers across social platforms to drive them towards local physical stores rather than e-commerce outlets. She wants to generate ‘localism on steroids’ so that clients are convinced that brick and mortar stores can serve their needs.

Dr Eleonora Pantano, retail marketing expert at the University of Bristol is in agreement. She advances that retailers need more financial support to boost their business. This is because they have to transform themselves from being just a place to shop so that customers can enjoy a memorable experience. This will give them a competitive advantage over e-commerce businesses and will increase their chances at customer loyalty. She says, “When the Shop Out to Help Out money runs out, shoppers won’t return unless there is something special to keep them coming back”.

Phot credit: eduardivieiraphoto  from Pixabay

High street merchants need more help
