Home Bargains reveals its opening hours during the festive season


This is an important news for shoppers. Home Bargains has disclosed its opening hours during the festive period.

According to Mirror Online, the retailer is going to close all its stores on Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. Moreover, as a way to thank staff for their incredible work during the coronavirus pandemic, it will be shutting shops at an earlier time on Christmas Eve. Stores will close down at 5pm. On usual days, outlets stop operating at around 8pm during the week and on Saturdays and on Sundays, customers are welcomed until 4pm.

This is not the first time that Home Bargains gives its staff the day off on Boxing Day. This was the case in 2019 and 2020 as well. With 22,000 employees in its 500 stores across the country, the discounter advanced that the closure will give workers the opportunity to spend more time with their friends and family after this difficult period.

A spokesperson from Home Bargains said, “As a family-run business we know the importance of being together at Christmas with those we care about most, now more than ever, and this is our way of saying thank you to all of our colleagues for their continued hard work and dedication”.

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Home Bargains will be closed on Boxing Day
