SEO: why is it important for e-commerce?


According to several experts, SEO is the most effective marketing strategy for e-commerce merchants. Let’s have a look at what the data says.

A study advances that 68% of all online experiences start with a search query. 81% of digital shoppers take the help of Google or some other search engine before making a purchase. Many of these people do not have anything specific or a brand name in mind. They do not know exactly what they are looking for.

SEO helps your e-commerce website rank favourably in search engine results pages (SERPs) and allows you to enjoy a higher level of traffic. The higher you rank, the better your chances are of earning the most leads.

The Advanced Web Ranking advances that websites in the top spots on SERPs have a click-through rate (CTR) of more than 40%. This is the number and frequency of clicks that your site gets when it appears on search result pages. If you are lower on the page, you will receive fewer clicks. Studies advance that if you are on the second page, it is as if your website does not exist since 95% of consumers do not go beyond the first one. Additionally, SEO is considered to be more effective than paid ads since it caters to all prospective customers.

Photo credit: doki7 from Pixabay

SEO generates quality leads
