Cryptocurrency at the heart of a humanitarian mission for Ukraine


The Ukrainian government is now validating donations from fourteen cryptocurrency used all across the globe. This online payment digital money will aim at providing both social and mental support to the locals in these dreadful times. The group of assets testified by the east European country vary from your most popular to the less exclusive ones: namely Bitcoin and Hedera (HBAR) respectively.

Furthermore, this humanitarian mission also holds out a positive outcome for the generous donors worldwide as well! After a few quests for more details, a snapshot from has brought forth evidence of Ukraine sponsoring around nine new projects -meaning that their incomes must have doubled or tripled at least the size of five different cryptocurrency. Hence, with this insight crypto users will be more than keen to make a contribution considering how tedious and expensive it is to make microtransactions on some platforms. Plus, we should not undermine the sense of community and inclusion as promoted by the cryptocurrency adhered.

Not only have dematerialized payment solutions always come in handy when instructing one with self-control and responsibility; the crypto assets’ donations are most likely to raise a global awareness for everyone to feel concerned as citizens and individuals as such!

Credit: 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) 

The illustration displays a table with ‘’Bitcoin’’, ‘’Ripple’’, ’’Ethereum ‘’ and ‘’stellar’’ written precisely
The different crypto assets validated for Ukraine’s humanitarian mission
