E-payments: allies of small enterprises!


Nowadays, e-payments are getting more and more exposure following their popularization amongst small independent enterprises. One factor to justify this boost in billing facilities could be highlighted by the simple workings of these methods. Indeed, the completion of electronic payments is pretty basic as there are only three parties concerned whenever an online transaction for instant products or services is being validated by the customer. The usual trio consists of the client’s traditional banking account, your enterprise’s banking account and a mediator billing platform which allows seamless transfers from one party to another. It is this charging facilitator that the e-finance industry calls a payment processor.

For the longest time card transactions were the most common way of processing a customer’s payments as the billing system for companies was not well updated with these cashless technologies. Nonetheless, the main purpose of small compagnies should also be getting a bigger range of facilities, which can be quite tricky as you must measure the fees of maintaining the different e-payment processors. The fact that some platforms would charge you a processing fee at a fixed sum thus deducting their due on an approximative percentage of your seamless transaction numbers while others will simply request you pay them a rental fee per month can be confusing.


Credit: mohamed hassan/pxhere/ CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)

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An illustration of electronic payments for shopping items completed via your mobile phone

Small businesses can grant better and quicker service to their customers using their mobiles for an e-payment transaction
