Electronic payment: the Nordics are paving the way!


Although the physical payment methods are still very common around the world, many experts are confident about an electronic payment boost in the nearby future! Indeed, a predilected group of countries referred to as the Nordics are believed to be paving the way as the first incoming cashless economy. The growth in popularity of this alternative amongst the Nordics has matched the expectations of many. However, earning an opinionated reception still-from the different age groups of Scandinavians as card payments may still win the trust of a few over the mobile wallet facility.

Trust! This is in fact one major factor to justify the growth or constant of card payments in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland, respectively. It is of a cultural demeanor for those societies to nurture trust within their banking and governance systems-which is why introducing a cashless payment era has been much more easily implemented than in other western regions.

Additionally, the Nordics powering through a quick adaptation process to the latest digital billing methods is also a gatekeeper for merchants and service providers to ensure a better running of their businesses. Moreover, choosing a cashless transaction alternative will allow them to spare time and money in managing their daily sales and payments rates-noting that this may usually busy 114 minutes of their day.

Furthermore, the Nordics’ governments are also on a humanitarian mission to help decline the rise in local crimes as purchases will be less likely completed using bills and real life cash.

Credit: mohamed hassan/ pxhere/ CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)

An illustration of seamless payments via a mobile phone
The Nordics are in full trust with their banking system to enterprise the cashless payment alternative in their region
