Online payments to help you shop smarter


As Easter is right behind the door, shopping maniacs and basically anyone in possession of some extra cash is looking forward to this spring season’s spending spree. Hence, with the growing effect of the two-year pandemic, most of us are advised to enjoy this event using online payments via our mobiles and computers.

Shopping online- you might think- can be boring, since you cannot meet up with your favorite people or grab a cup of coffee at the local café between two dress fittings; But to the contrary the window-shopping activity is twice as much fun and efficient since you are presented with a countless number of clothing pieces, accessories, shoes and goodies of the sort from literally anywhere across the globe. Also, you will be able to make the nicest bargains at a given price suiting your mobile wallet, hence your overall budget. The overlooking aspect of accessing services and products through your digital appliances’ screens is quite impressive to this day.

Nonetheless, the common use of cashless payments methods has set a huge margin for credulous retailers to score on the market. So, how to counterparts the several scams and online thieves?

First you have to make sure of their websites’ legitimacy before adding any personal details. It all goes down from there!

Credit: Stockvault / Mohamed Hassan

An illustration of how easy you can validate purchases of the wanted article via your mobile phone
Have access to a wide variety of products and services using your e-payment solutions
