Online buying is taking a different turn for Aussie customers


The US booming online buying retailer Amazon Go has been well-received amongst the British-based clientele and might be looking forward to its launch in the southern hemisphere, more precisely in New Zealand. Already quite reputed in America and England because of its frictionless store system entitled “Just Walk Out”, the giant e-commerce chain is hoping to add a little twist to its services. Indeed, instead of letting shoppers go into the brands’ physical stores as is happening in the US and UK, the general concept this time around would be to provide locals with an online customer journey via the official Amazon website. It is a different shopping method from the thirty-two walk-in stores Amazon Go owns in the US and its recently launched fifteen shops for Brits to enjoy last March. Furthermore, a test was recently carried by Stuff to try and figure out whether buying food items from the Amazon website would be a cheaper alternative compared to going for traditional shopping in New Zealand. In the end, the verdict was in favour of Amazon as the experiment reported that the website’s fees were $30 less expensive than for the same number of products purchased at another supermarket.

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A check-free  Amazon Go store

Amazon Go is looking to launch in New Zealand being well-received in the UK
