Whoosh: Tesco and UberEats’s most recent online delivery service


The UK big retailing chain Tesco has recently partnered with UberEats to provide its customers with an ultimately fast delivery service. This new initiative titled Whoosh is quite relevant of the UberEats’s motto which assures to deliver food items and beverages within a span of one hour. The concept of it all consists of customers logging through the Tesco website or the Tesco’s Grocery and Clubcard application in order to place their orders.

This efficient and frictionless new service was primarily launched on May 21, 2021, hence exactly one year ago, and has met a tremendous success since. Additionally, the first twenty Tesco stores to have welcomed this online shopping facility were located in towns such as Edinburgh, Bradford, Portsmouth, Norwich, St Albans and Letchworth specifically. Today, in 2022, Whoosh has got bigger as it is now available via 200 stores. Moreover, this supermarket brand has made it pretty clear that they are aiming to expand their Whoosh project over a total number of 600 retailing shops by the end of this year.

Perhaps, as declared by the UberEats UK head of new verticals and grocery, Alex Toughton, it is accordingly to the pressing evolution of the different businesses and consumers’ demands that technological innovations have become ever so important to the world of retailing.

Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

UberEats' employee making deliveries
UberEats and Tesco have partnered to bring you an efficient and time-saving grocery delivery service
