As advanced in a previous article, online shopping brands should look at
customer retention if they do not want to lose profits. One way to do so is to
focus on customer support. Along with live chats, the use of chatbots is fun
and innovative. It creates an exciting experience for visitors who are more
likely to visit your shop again.
Additionally, you must optimise your contact form. Since your store is
online, it is essential that you provide a smooth UX for website visitors. If
your e-commerce site does not work properly or if it is confusing and complex
to utilise, you will experience loss of clients and fewer conversion rates.
When a consumer encounters an unoptimised form while shopping online, they feel
discouraged to complete the deal. A crucial part of customer retention
is to enhance contact form conversions on your site.
To do so, you must minimise the number of
fields that you require users to fill out since a lot of those can be pretty
time-consuming. According to a research, 67 percent of visitors will abandon
the operation if they encounter complications. As such, you must implement
positive user experience. Ask online shoppers for information that are only
essential. This will also attract those who are worried about cybersecurity
Enhance user experience for online shoppers
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