Online shopping features integrated in TikTok

Tiktok is the latest social media company to join the world of online shopping. The video-sharing platform has become extremely popular in the last few months. It is now testing new features that will allow businesses to promote their products to consumers.

Since earlier this year, Tik Tok had already enabled the capability of buying items within advertisements. Now, it is working on new features that would give influencers the opportunity to link viewers to online shops directly from their videos. This beta is currently being rolled out in the United States. Famous ‘Tik Tokers’ will be able to promote products or websites they are being paid to endorse. Users just have to click on the link and purchase an item without leaving the application. Thanks to this, influencers will be able to increase the return on their sponsored ads as well.

The social media app Tik Tok is becoming increasingly popular among internet users, especially millennials and gen Z. It has already reached 1.5 billion downloads ever since its launch a few years back. Thanks to this, it is now the third most downloaded app of the year behind Facebook’s WhatsApp and Messenger. As such, it is a very strategic platform to integrate marketing campaigns in this digital age.

Tik Tok has new shopping features 
