Augmented reality and ‘Stories’ will be a major part of social media

As advanced in a previous article, there will be new social media trends in 2020. This post will look at the expansion of augmented reality and Stories.

Augmented Reality
AR is being increasingly leveraged by e-commerce companies. They utilise it to help with product discovery, special offers and others. For example, IKEA gives consumers the opportunity to see how items will look in their house thanks to an app powered by augmented reality. In the same way, several sectors can benefit from this technology. For instance, realtors can use this to take prospective clients on virtual tours. During these, customers can change paint colours or they can move things around. While usage of this system has been limited so far, it is expected that there will be a big shift in 2020.

Several platforms, such as Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and even YouTube, have introduced this feature. The videos posted there are often made in real-time. As such, viewers are given a more authentic insight of a brand’s product and services. Since Stories usually disappear after 24 hours, marketers can capitalise on the FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) effect to offer flash deals and sales to their loyal customers. Not only will this grow engagement, but it will also allow you to save money on sales ad.

Stories can help reward loyal customers
