Primark has made zero sales!

Usually a favourite of many, Primark is experiencing some serious difficulties. The clothing giant makes £650m on average in sales per month. Now, it has just revealed that ever since the lockdown began in Europe and the US, it has not sold anything!

According to George Weston, Primark owner Associated British Foods “has been squarely in the path of this pandemic”. He advanced that they haven’t made any sale since their retail outlets closed on March 22 and that without furlough support from European states many of its employees would “have been made redundant”. The clothing giant currently employs 68 000 individuals.

While various companies are trying to combat this pandemic via e-commerce, Primark neither has an online store nor does it offer click-and-collect services for its products. This is because it would not be able to keep the prices of its clothes low if it had to factor in home delivery charges.

Speaking about the reopening of the stores, Weston advanced that they must first make Primark outlets safe for both customers and employees and this might involve fewer clients shopping at one time and accepting lower sales. He says, “In time we can rebuild the profits. We can't replace the people we lose”. Currently, the company has £284m worth of clothing in stock.

Primark does not have an online store
