Previous articles have revealed that the government is planning to introduce an additional tax on deliveries for e-commerce products. Considering that free shipping is important for customers, this might be a disastrous move since it might decrease consumer spending and this is not going to help the UK’s struggling economy. Let’s take a look at more expert opinions.
According to a research, 58% of online buyers spend more so
that they qualify for free shipping. The web consultant Invesp conducted a study which showed that 16% of consumers buy
from a more expensive brand just so they do not have to pay for delivery fees.
Moreover, it is believed that 78% of Amazon Prime members join this program
because of this feature.
David Jinks MILT, Head of Consumer Services at the e-commerce delivery specialist ParcelHero advances that it is “frankly nonsense” to claim that the tax is being imposed for environmental purposes for two reasons. First, 50% of consumers choose to wait additional days, which is better for the environment, if that option does not require them to pay extra costs. Moreover, as experts have repeatedly advanced, home deliveries are far greener than individual shopping trips. The 2009 academic report titled “Carbon Auditing the Last Mile” found that a dedicated car trip for a specific item produced around 4,274 grams of CO2 per km.
Buyers spend more online to obtain free shipping
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