Student Loans Company offering payments over £1 billion

 In a press release, Student Loans Company has just announced that more than £1 billion has been issued to 414877 students as part of Maintenance Loans. The firm advances that this is their biggest settlement till date and it marks a milestone for their teams who have been working to ensure that as many people as possible have their funding in place before the term starts.

Nonetheless, it should be noted that if a prospective student has applied after deadline or has made some changes to his/her application, he/she may not get the full settlement immediately. In cases like these, those who are eligible are going to receive a standard funding package and a top-up payment will be made as soon as their application is processed. To speed up the verification process, students are requested to submit any new evidence that they have been asked for immediately via the Digital Evidence Upload service. This can be done through their online account which can also be used to notify the firm of last-minute changes about their course, university or college.

The funds will be disbursed only after a student has registered for a course and SLC has received confirmation of the registration from the educational institution.

Students have received their Maintenance Loans ©Royalty-free image
