Tesco will sell more healthy food following investor pressure


Following pressure from investors, Tesco has announced that it is going to increase sales of healthier food. It is the latest FTSE 100 company to make changes to its policy after a voting session from shareholders.

At the firm’s annual meeting, ShareAction had mobilised seven institutional investors and more than 100 individual shareholders to table a resolution. This was the first time that the issue of healthy eating had been part of the formal agenda. Previously, there were just questions from the floor. On Tuesday, it advanced that it is going to withdraw the resolution after the supermarket group agreed that it will put in place more actions to increase sales of healthy items at its central European business and in Booker. The latter is a supplier for independent corner shops. Before that, Tesco had already pledged to grow the share of healthy products in UK and Irish stores from 58 per cent to 65 per cent of sales by 2025.

Speaking about this, the quality director at Tesco, Sarah Bradbury advanced that the firm was “pleased to broaden our public commitments to Booker and our central Europe business” and would “continue to engage with ShareAction and other stakeholders”.

Tesco will increase sales of healthy food © Royalty-free image
